The sun is a daily reminder
that we too can rise again
from the darkness,
that we too can shine
our own light.
Huana Techniques Course
The Huana Techniques course is made up of 5 modules. As each module is completed, so the attunement for that Signature is done immediately. The modules can be done individually over time, i.e. complete a module, take a break before starting on the next module, at a later time. Once a module is completed, a certificate will be issued for the respective module; until such time that all five modules are completed.
You will become a certified Huana Techniques Practitioner on completion of the full course (all 5 modules). A variety of tools will also be available to use in your practice, for dealing with different issues.
Doing the body work is a good way to get your clients to relax and go into Alpha State.
How does this differ from Crystal Therapy?
Each Signature works with a specific issue and carries a specific vibration that brings about Higher Consciousness awareness.
The course consists of:
- History and background of the Signatures
- Ethics and principles of Natural Healing
- Explanation of the chakras and the aura
- Meditation to assist you to connect more easily
- How to attune the crystals
- Cleaning and clearing the crystals
- How to heal with your hands
- Body work
- Training per Crystal Signature of which there are 8 plus a Stone Circle, Huana Balance and Aluna Medicine.
- Attunement per Signature. (this is done upon completion of each module, allowing you to embark on your healing work)
- Assessments
- Case studies per signature
As part of the course you will receive:
- A fully illustrated manual
- A set of Master Crystals per Signature
- Sample oils
- A set of cards with the signatures which assist in choosing the correct Signature for the client
- A set of A4 posters for your healing room, illustrating the signatures
- A certificate stating that you have been trained in this technique
Module 1: (4 days)
- Huana Crystal Signature 1
- Huana Crystal Signature 2
- Description and Explanation of the signatures
- Overview of very basic Reiki to enable you to use it in this modality of healing. If you are qualified in Reiki that would be beneficial but is not a prerequisite.
- Body Work
- Practical’s
- Attunement for modules
- Assessments
- Case Studies
- Certificates issued to start working with the two signatures
- Include small plus A4 cards for each signature, crystals and sample crystal infused aura soma oils for the signatures.
Module 2: (2 days)
- Huana Crystal Signature 3
- Huana Crystal Signature 4
- Practical’s
- Attunement for modules
- Assessments
- Case Studies
- Certificates issued to start working with the two signatures
Module 3: (2 days)
- Huana Crystal Signature 5
- Huana Crystal Signature 6
- Practical’s
- Attunement for modules
- Assessments
- Case Studies
- Certificates issued to start working with the two signatures
- Include small plus A4 cards for each signature, crystals and sample crystal infused aura soma oils for the signatures.
Module 4: (2 days)
- Huana Crystal Signature 7
- Huana Crystal Signature 8
- Practical’s
- Attunement for modules
- Assessment’s
- Case Studies
- Certificates issued to start working with the two signatures
- Include small plus A4 cards for each signature, crystals and sample crystal infused aura soma oils for the signatures.
Module 5: (3 days)
- Huana Stone Circle 1,2 & 3 – consists of 9 clay stones (3×3). Stone circle is for re-birthing.
- Huana Aluna Medicine – connects and aligns you to the moon energy – balances your male and female inner
- Huana Balance – opens you up to your own inner guidance and abilities
- Practical’s
- Attunements
- Includes 9 clay Stone Circles which you create yourself; Aluna Medicine & Huana Balance crystals and sample crystal-infused aura soma oils for Stone Circle and Aluna Medicine only
- Case Studies
- Certificates issued to start working with the three signatures
- Certificate issued stating that you are now a Huana Techniques Practitioner
Usui Shiko Ryoho Reiki
Certified Reiki Level 1, 2 & Advance comprise a 12 week comprehensive training course that can be done either on a week day morning or Saturday afternoon. Covers vast topics of Reiki healing e.g. 14 chakras, developmental stages of chakras in kids, planetary chakras, auras, different planes, distant healing, meeting your guides, developing intuition, Ascended Masters, Violet Flame, Angels, Empaths, Psychic Abilities, etc
Talks / Workshops / Group Coaching
We conduct various Talks, Workshops and Group Coaching Sessions that take place at the Universal Centre of Love and Light. We cover various topics and times vary accordingly. Information will be made available on the Calendar.